WASSUP GUYS!! seein' a lot change in my intro line, theme and stuffs : I decided to renew my blog once to make it more attractive and interesting and another big announcement is that I CAN'T MANAGE TO POST ON EVERY SUNDAYS AS I AM HAVING A CHAOS IN MY SCHEDULE AND HAVE TO BE KEEP CHANGING IT A LOT !!!. So, finally I've decided to post on any of the day for a week. Hope you like this idea. Therefore getting into the topic. Today's topic is about some weight-loss tips!! I thought this would be helpful for many people (especially for me of course ) AND thanks for the people who commented, viewed and are following my blog. LOVE YA'LL.

TIP NO: 1 - You have to reduce the amount of fat you intake. The layers of undigested fat that cannot be used a.k.a extras saturated in your body makes you *FAT*. You get it, Fat is the main reason for body Fat. To reduce fat in your food, first you have to cut the junks from your daily intakes. That'll help for sure.

TIP NO:2 - Drink a lot of water. This helps to reduce your body weight as well as get a clear skin. Wate is an ultimate solution for most of the problems but it works a little slow. ( We all need a instant solution always 😒😒 !! THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE )

TIP NO:3 - You have to do some workout. Working out is the best way to reduce you fat. ( You might ask me that this is the only way to reduce weight?? but you can follow paleo , vegan and many more sort of diets to reduce your weight. They might have some common side effects too so exercise is the best way!!

TIP NO:4 - Basically this is not a tip! this is an sort of advice to say. That is please do follow what you have taken into your hand guys. ( YUP!! EVEN ME: pls). If you have a routine, follow it guys. I don't say people who follow it but there are few who put up a really hectic one and say they're gonna follow and the paper just hangs there as a sign of their tryouts. That's what!! So follow.

TIP NO:5 - DIET!! Just have a simple diet. Not that heavy diet, the thing is eat healthy and limit your carbs and sweets. That's all !! You can also refer some limited diet plans in youtube. THERE ARE A LOT PEOPLE!! JUST CHECK OUT...

So, that's it for today's post guys!! Hope you liked the tips !!( Wait! AM I using a lot of exclamatory mark.... uhuh. that's k) I also hope you like the changes too. See you next week, till then babaiiii!!

                               AU REVOIR (THIS WILL NOT CHANGE i like it <3 )


  1. Good one dear this year we need it the most

  2. I am happy that you guys create awareness through your posts instead of just writing some content. Keep up your good work 👍

  3. Good post da..very much needed tips during this lockdown.

  4. Wow, Very good tips. Very interesting tips, Very fatty tips.

  5. Thank you so much !!!! I really want this ! It's Gr8 to post , when you're ready ! It will be perfect ! These tips are very handy !!!! Tysm !!!!!

  6. Good solution 👍 for today's problem,that every one face.keep it up 👌👏👏

  7. Hey!
    This is the blog I really wanted.
    In these lockdown days I gained some weight.
    Thanks coz I would follow to reduce it again=)

    1. Glad it helped =)
      Tnx a lot for your comment anyways :D

  8. Aww...good one da... superb...

  9. Nice. Useful post . I also liked the description and i also need this tips you know. Nice and wonderful topic is chosen. The blog background theme is also perfect and wonderful.
    Your bestie.

    1. An d also that harry potter you mentioned right in "My book self". Got interested and read the book and it was awesome. i never got bored with that. TNX.

    2. Tnx for the comment and stuff!!
      Glad my posts helped you 😇

  10. Hey! VERY cool! I'm gonna need this, lol, as a self trainee training to become an official trainee (*nervous laughter*).

    You actually inspired me. I guess I should post about this, too!

    And yeah, it's no big deal about the exclamation marks haha it's okay, I get so excited sometimes that I literally start jumping and shaking people lol!

    Anyway, keep posting! Loved it!

    Your Blogger buddy,

    1. Glad it helped!!
      Getting this sort of comment
      Put me on air with wings
      I guess those exclamstories doesn't matter too
      Tnx for the comment and live <3

    2. :) Well, you deserve to fly! Haha, the more the excitement, the more the motivation, right?!
      You're welcome and stay happy and achieve every single one of your dreams and if you don't, my ghost will come to haunt you when I sleep!


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